Comprehensive Psychological Assessment

I specialize in comprehensive psychological testing and assessment for children, teenagers, and adults.

3-Step Evaluation Process

Step 1: Intake

1-2 Hours

You’ll meet with me, give me information on your background and current concerns, and I’ll develop an individualized, custom-tailored testing plan to meet your needs.

Step 2: Testing

4-6 Hours

Testing is questionnaire-based and may include a variety of tests administered by me.

Step 3: Feedback

1-2 Hours

We’ll discuss the results of the evaluation, including any potential diagnoses and personalized recommendations for ongoing support, including referrals and other resources.

Frequently Asked Questions

Typical areas I test: IQ, academic skills (reading, writing, comprehension, math, listening, spelling), learning style, memory, executive functioning, attention, social functioning, and emotional and behavioral difficulties.

Typical “issues” I test for: ADHD, learning disorders (dyslexia, math disorder/dyscalculia), oppositional behavior, mood disorders (bipolar, anxiety, depression), autism spectrum disorders/Asperger’s.

While there is often variability in testing depending on your specific question(s), core elements include:

  • 2-hour diagnostic interview to get background and history
  • 4-6 hours of face-to-face testing (IQ, learning style, executive functions, memory, cognitive processing, and personality)
  • Several paper-and-pencil questionnaires & behavioral checklists
  • School observation (if applicable)
  • 1-2 hour feedback session to discuss results and recommendations

I typically schedule testing days from 10 a.m. to 2-4 p.m. with a 30-minute break (flexible) at noon for lunch. The testing day depends on the areas I will plan to take a look into, but generally, testing days may consist of brain games, puzzles, academic-type work like reading and writing, and perhaps some clinical-type interviews. I will walk you through what the testing day will look like and how to prepare yourself or your child for it.

No, I do not accept insurance. However, I can provide you with a superbill upon request at the end of the assessment for possible reimbursement by your insurance company.

You do not need a referral to schedule an appointment.

To inquire about our services, email [email protected] or call/text (626) 209-9322

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